Over the last week David Freeman and I were down in Exeter attending the 2nd Dialouge with Science conference as part of the OpenArch project (http://openarch.eu/). The theme of the conference was 'The Life Cycle of Structures in Experimental Archaeology: an Object Biography Approach.' all the papers focused on different elements of reconstructions from making a bronze age sewn plank boat to collapsing medieval Irish Round-Houses.
It was a chance to meet other members from open air museums from around Europe and academics too. It was great to hear other peoples approaches to open air museums and research that they have undertaken. It was also an opportunity for David and I to share the work that had been going on at Butser over the past 40years. David presented a paper on his analysis of round house constructions using his extensive experience and knowledge.
I presented my first academic paper at the conference too! I was looking at the replacement of the inner posts on the Mole Y Gerrdii reconstruction at the farm and the evidence of this process being found in the archaeology. Being back at my old university, in my old lecture theater with my old professors in the audience I was a little nervous, I was expecting to receive a mark from my presentation which I have to admit I did leave to the last moment to finish. It all went well though and my paper was well received. I am now working on turning the presentation into an article for the Journal of Experimental Archaeology. Once it is published I will give you all the link!
I am now back from the conference and sorting out the weekend at the farm. It is now time to start working on the 'Prometheus Project' hard, so this weekend I will be carving out more of the boat so come along and have a look at the boat as it develops!
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